Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

Tulisan dan Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris


Theme : The most interesting events in my life
Title     : Dork yet memorable moments

Actually i don’t really have any interesting event in my life, not because i don’t have it, it's because i’m such a forgetful person. I’m sorry. What I wanna tell you in here is about me and my friend went to bxchange with motorcycle and map. Yes a map. We are not born nor raised in here so we didn’t know every single street in here. Altough I’ve been here for about 7 months but still it doesn’t mean that I can remember all of the strees in Jakarta. Okay so, in the last day of first semester holiday me and my friends decided to meet at her house which is in cileduk tangsel meanwhile mine is in jakarta barat. It doesn’t really matter to me as long as I can met her, because we haven’t met for about 1 year. my uncle decided to accompany me to go there with motorcycle. Finally i met her. After chitchating about everything suddenly she came up with a crazy idea i think. Why? Because she suggest us to go to bxchange with motorcycle. “I don’t know the road” i said and she replayed “we can use a map”. Ok, i agreed. With just a good ability to rode a motorcycle and one helmet and stnk we off to bxchange. When we departure to bxchange we didn’t have any trouble. The map was right and we safe arrived at bxchange. The matter is when we leave from bxchange. The map was totally wrong. We were given the “rat-road” from the map and ended up being lost. The dead end was right in front of us. And we didnt know where is it. My friend nearly crying. I was dazed and didn’t know what to do. After a long thought, i decided to go back and asking many people where my friend’s home is. And with full of confident and following what my heart said. We. Finally. Found. My friend’s Home. We were too happy back then because we can come back home safely.


9. what is ‘profit’?
Answer : profit is the money that remains after all the expenses are paid